The CVP Community Fund
Larksput SAP and DEIR Challenge
City of Larkspur "Stops the Process"
for the Larkspur Station Area Plan
On July 15, 2014 the Larkspur City Council passed a formal resolution to "Stop the Process" and terminate the Larkspur Station Area Plan and its flawed Environmental Impact Report. We want to commend the Larkspur City Council on the wisdom of their expeditious decision. We want to thank all our donors, advisors and supporters for helping us do our part in bringing about this outcome. And we especially want to thank and congratulate all the community groups and community leaders for their heroic efforts in educating their communities and standing up for local control of growth and planning decisions in Marin.
Read the article in the Marin IJ
Residents cheer City Council's decision to discontinue Larkspur SMART Station Area Plan
This landmark decision along the recent events in Fairfax (referendum) and Strawberry (removing its Priority Development Area designation) mark a sea change in local policy making. "Bottom up," community voices are now decisively pushing back on over-reaching, "top down" regional planning agencies.
But our work has just begun. We now need to help Larkspur and other cities and towns in Marin craft more appropriate, local serving solutions. Marin Cities and our County craft more appropriate, local serving solutions. With our continued joint efforts I believe we can replace ABAG and MTC's dysfunctional and greed-driven development process with a place-driven, organic and integrated planning process that can actually address the real growth and affordable housing challenges we face, in environmentally, economically and socially just and sustainable ways.
Community Venture Partners is committed to that task. We will continue to support local community organizations in their efforts to educate and inform, and stand up for their rights. We welcome your ideas and suggestions, and we deeply appreciate your continued financial support.
Please consider donating to the CVP Community Fund ("general support").