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The Marin Open Space Fund

On Friday, April 6, 2018, Marin Superior Court Judge Haakenson handed down his final decision in the case of Community Venture Partners, Inc., v. The Marin County Open Space District. That decision confirmed the court’s Tentative Ruling in favor of CVP, which prohibits the County of Marin from opening the Bob Middagh Trail in the Alto Bowl Preserve, to any form of biking.

For the full story, GO HERE

Community Venture Partners "Marin Open Space Legal Fund" brought legal arguments and empower community voices to stop the use of  the most toxic herbicides and pesticides in Marin County parks and open spaces. These efforts are seeing a groundswell of support and are an integral part of the overall trend to take back local control and protect us from unnecessary poisoning of our water supply.
The use of toxics that threaten the health of human beings and animals is being challenged around the world. The World Health Organization recently released a report stating that glyphosates (the primary ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup herbicide) is a human carcinogen. Other research has been confirming this for many years and the most toxic herbicides are illegal to use in most industrialized nations.
Here in Marin we have the opportunity to bring about permanent change. Recently, even the staff of the Marin Municipal Water District recommended that the Water Agency stop using toxic herbicides in the Marin Watershed areas that they manage.
For more on that story, GO HERE
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