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Analysis of the Proposal to Fill The Corte Madera Inn Pond Corte Madera, California April 2004 Marin Audubon
Proposal by Reneson Hotels, Inc., for reconstruction of the Best Western Corte Madera Inn - John Kelly - Feb 2016
Reneson - Broker Valuation Dec 2015
CVP Photographs of submerged aquatic vegetation at Edgewater Lagoon
E. Yates Aug. 2015 CM Inn REIR Comment Letter
Corte Madera Inn Pond Comments To: Barbara Salzman, Marin Audubon Society 14 November 2005
RWQCB Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Corte Madera Inn Rebuild Project, SCH No. 2014042069 January 2015
Reneson Economic Feasibility
Reneson REIR New Alternative 4
E. Yates DEIR Comment Ltr Jan 20 2015
Memorandum Corte Madera Inn Pond To: US Army Corps of Engineers CC: Corte Madera Town Council From: Stuart Siegel and Christina Toms Date: 11 January 2005
Jan 19 2015 Marin Audubon Comment on CM Inn
Broker For Sale Brochure for CM Inn property
Reneson Original EIR Altneratives
E. Yates. FEIR Comment Dec 2015
From: Fernandez, Xavier@Waterboards Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 9:14 AM To: Adam Wolff
112917 GHornek-CVP - SFD Blvd DEIR
Reneson Exhibit G Marriott Letter
112917 Harrison - CVP - SFD Rehab Traffic Analysis Comment
Peter Baye - Dec 2015 - Review of Corte Madera Inn Final Environmental Impact Report: wetlands, wildlife, and aquatic habitat impacts
120117 - EY Comment Letter to Marin County re SFD DEIR_12-1-17
M. Bennett 06616 - Best Western Corte Madera Inn Redevelopment: Market Study & Financial Feasibility Evaluation
110217 - Yates - D Dawson re CEQA for SFD Rehab
EXHIBIT 2 CV Robert Silvestri

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