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The Marin Post

The Voice of the Community

A Project of Community Venture Partners


Mission Statement 


To empower community voices and citizen journalists by providing

an online platform for issues of community concern.




CVP is immersed in the local community dialog about issues of general public concern. CVP board members are regular contributors to that conversation, writing and publishing articles, Op-Eds, research reports and letters to the editors in local newspapers and online journals. We are also in the unique position of being copied on an unending flow of documents and works of “citizen journalists” from around Marin County. Their work is producing some of the best investigative reporting available, anywhere.


We believe citizen journalism is an area that deserves ongoing support. Toward that end CVP has developed a new citizen journalism web magazine called The Marin Post. 


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Why The Marin Post?


“I know of no safer depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion.”  ~ Thomas Jefferson


Even in our digital age journalism remains one of the most powerful forces for social and political change.  Citizen journalism and communications have been a major catalyst for many of the positive public policy changes we've witnessed to date. CVP believes it’s essential to continue to empower community voices to help bring about constructive change.

The Marin Post is an open blogging, news, media and notice posting platform with an emphasis on the works of local writers.

Anyone can publish their work on the Marin Post about any subject. Readers are able to comment on and discuss any piece published.


The Marin Post allows local writers to post articles, research and commentary about issues of general public interest. Topics might include affordable housing, arts & culture, health & wellness, the local economy and government, emergency preparedness, environmental and wildlife, historic preservation, parks and open space, growth and planning, public services, schools and education, social justice, technology and innovation, transportation and traffic, and more. The Marin Post also links to news articles, videos and notices of events on other web sites.


The Marin Post publishing platform is politically agnostic. We believe it is only by encouraging differing points of view that we can engage a broad audience in a truly democratic dialog.


Why Now?


The need for an open community news source that supports citizen journalists, on any side of any issue, has become acute in Marin County.


A respected venue is needed to publish thoughtful articles and serve as a public forum for meaningful discussions about issues of general public concern. Fortunately, the technology required to operate such a venue has become easily accessible and relatively inexpensive. Principals of CVP and its advisors have considerable experience in web application development.




CVP continues to seek funding to develop new features, social networking applications and increase our community outreach.

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